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And this is just for testing the scrolling

Two ghostly white figures in coveralls and helmets are softly dancing Sea of Tranquility hundreds of thousands bits of moving fluff descended from astronomers star stuff harvesting star light. A still more glorious dawn awaits stirred by starlight Apollonius of Perga rich in mystery the sky calls to us concept of the number one. Astonishment the only home we've ever known not a sunrise but a galaxyrise made in the interiors of collapsing stars as a patch of light the only home we've ever known.

Realm of the galaxies billions upon billions not a sunrise but a galaxyrise tesseract trillion a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. Rich in heavy atoms finite but unbounded Euclid another world bits of moving fluff hearts of the stars. Permanence of the stars descended from astronomers descended from astronomers inconspicuous motes of rock and gas courage of our questions Flatland. Sea of Tranquility extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence muse about concept of the number one bits of moving fluff something incredible is waiting to be known.

Not a sunrise but a galaxyrise gathered by gravity star stuff harvesting star light prime number cosmic fugue finite but unbounded? Bits of moving fluff inconspicuous motes of rock and gas vastness is bearable only through love a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena Drake Equation invent the universe. Network of wormholes network of wormholes emerged into consciousness a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam dream of the mind's eye the ash of stellar alchemy?

Invent the universe star stuff harvesting star light permanence of the stars ship of the imagination Hypatia hundreds of thousands. Gathered by gravity circumnavigated take root and flourish the only home we've ever known Cambrian explosion venture. Bits of moving fluff with pretty stories for which there's little good evidence a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam gathered by gravity how far away the ash of stellar alchemy?

Something incredible is waiting to be known at the edge of forever cosmic fugue kindling the energy hidden in matter emerged into consciousness realm of the galaxies. Gathered by gravity star stuff harvesting star light Euclid inconspicuous motes of rock and gas vanquish the impossible as a patch of light? Permanence of the stars star stuff harvesting star light across the centuries concept of the number one a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena concept of the number one and billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions.

And some more fucking lorem ipsum

Never, never assume that what you have achieved is fucking good enough. If you fucking give up, you will achieve nothing. Nothing of value comes to you without fucking working at it. Whatever can be captured in words can be conquered with understanding. Can we all just agree as the greater design community to stop fucking talking about Comic Sans altogether?

Dedicate yourself to lifelong fucking learning. The graphic designer’s first fucking consideration is always the size and shape of the format, whether for the printed page or for digital display. Creativity is a fucking work-ethic. Creativity is a fucking work-ethic. Don’t get hung up on things that don’t fucking work. Don’t fucking censor yourself. Sterility leads to susceptibility.

What’s important is the fucking drive to see a project through no matter what. You are not your fucking work. Don’t get hung up on things that don’t fucking work. Be fucking impossible to ignore. Stand so tall that they can’t look past you. The details are not the details. They make the fucking design. You’ve been placed in the crucial moment. Abandon the shelter of insecurity. Accomplishment validates belief, and belief inspires accomplishment. Don’t fucking censor yourself. Sterility leads to susceptibility.

Don’t fucking censor yourself. Sterility leads to susceptibility. Don’t fucking lie to yourself. Creativity requires fucking tenacity. Most of your accomplishments will be demonstrations of tenacity, not talent. The details are not the details. They make the fucking design. Respect your fucking craft.

Be fucking impossible to ignore. Stand so tall that they can’t look past you. Fuck. Creativity requires fucking tenacity. Most of your accomplishments will be demonstrations of tenacity, not talent. Paul Rand once said, “The public is more familiar with bad fucking design than good design. It is, in effect, conditioned to prefer bad design, because that is what it lives with. The new becomes threatening, the old reassuring.” Don’t fucking censor yourself. Sterility leads to susceptibility. Nothing of value comes to you without fucking working at it. There is no right fucking answer. The splendor of the mystery is that you don’t understand. A good fucking composition is the result of a hierarchy consisting of clearly contrasting elements set with distinct alignments containing irregular intervals of negative space.